Improving energy efficiency and thermal comfort of buildings at local level
Support to ADEME for the identification and testing of tools for local authorities in Mediterranean countries
Short project description
This project is part of the European project meetMED implemented jointly by MEDENER and RCREEE. The mission consists in supporting ADEME to identify, characterise and analyse the main tools, systems and approaches developed by the countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and thermal comfort.
An assessment will be carried out of the role of national agencies and the needs of cities for the replication and scaling up of these tools.
Following this mission, the tools, approaches and devices with a high potential of replicability will be tested, with the support of the Project and MEDENER agencies, in 7 to 10 pilot cities.
Services provided
> Assessment of the role of cities in the deployment of energy efficiency and thermal comfort measures in the 8 target countries
> Identification and characterisation of tools, approaches and devices developed in favour of energy efficiency in buildings and thermal comfort in the 8 target countries
> Analysis of the needs and key conditions for the deployment and scaling up of the identified tools, approaches and devices
> Co-development with partner agencies of a methodology for selecting pilot cities
2021 - 2022
Institutional partners
ADEME (France)
ALMEE (Lebanon)
AMEE (Morocco)
ANME (Tunisia)
APRUE (Algeria)
NERC/RSS (Jordan)
PEC (Palestine)
RCREEE (Egypt, Lybia)
Mediterranean region