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CES-MED : Development of Sustainable Energy Action Plans

Support for the design of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) for three Moroccan cities and development of two strategic studies

Short project description

The following delivrables have been produced as part of the project : 

> Three SEAP in Benslimane, Agadir and Oujda, based on the Covenant of Mayors (including a Baseline Emissions Inventory) 

> National report on the promotion and institutionalisation of the Covenant of Mayors in Morocco, based on an analysis of the regulatory and policy framework for sustainable energy planning and management at the territorial level

> National report on the financial instruments available to local authorities committed to energy management.

Services provided

> Development of a Baseline Emissions Inventory and support for the design of a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) in three Moroccan cities

> Analysis of the regulatory, institutional and political framework for the promotion and sustainability of the Covenant of Mayors approach (also in relation to other approaches such as the European Energy Award).

> Analysis of the main financial instruments available to Moroccan municipalities.


2014 - 2016


European Commission

Technical partners

Human Dynamics

I Care & Consult



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